Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A day late for San Jacinto

Once again, I didn't post on San Jacinto Day, to commemorate it, altho I sure as Hell flew my flag. I just didn't have any inspiration to write anything. So, I'll let you peruse some other Texans writing about the day here and here. (H/T to Tam.) Even the Pistolero gets into it two days in a row.

I think a big part of why I was uninspired, was being more concerned about WildFire's dog Peaches. She's 15 years old, and her body's starting to go, altho Fire's gotten a few more good days out of her, after the initial panic of the weekend, when Peaches apparently had a smallish stroke and lost a lot of mobility and her sight. I've already offered what words I can over there, so I won't rehash them here.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Looks like the world is conspiring against me...

Next weekend would be very busy for me, except I already have something to block out all my time: State Guard training. It seems like everything else I'd like to do this month all falls on the same weekend. Saturday is San Jacinto Day at the battleground (the day itself is tomorrow), there's World Tai Chi and Qigong Day then too, the Rubber Duckie Derby at Riverfront Park here in Beaumont, and I'm sure there's something elsewhere too. Back in March when we went to Texas Independence Days at Washington-on-the-Brazos, I was looking forward to seeing the Battle of San Jacinto reenactment in the same year. Not happening now. Gotta make sure our shit's squared away and we don't look like a giant clusterfuck doing our D&C at AT next month. At least with Tai Chi, I can at least imagine I'm doing it instead of regular PT, and from some studies, imagining is somewhat helpful compared to being idle or doing something else (apparently the brain imagining doing the exercise helps promote the energy flow, even for those unable to move).


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Six word Bio Meme

Oh, bloody hell, I hate having to do homework.
Wildfire tagged me for this meme, writing your own six word memoir. Here's the rules being cut-and-pasted around the Net:

1. Write your own six word memoir.

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want.

3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.

4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.

5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

Hmm, I'm getting an inkling of an idea---

1. Recovering Boy Scout, Good Turns fortnightly!
2. Guns, dogs, Texas, not much else.
3. Got a good woman, with cats.

Err, that's about it, no more, empty. Now to go hang this albatross on Nyx. Looks like we ain't done step 4 very much, anyway.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


A post at DoubleTapper spurred some thinking on my part about who shouldn't be allowed to own a gun. Here's what I commented:
For the USA? Perhaps anyone who isn't willing to own a gun as a prerequisite to voting, barring the existing felons and insane. Certainly, as SailorCurt pointed out, anyone who is anti-gun usually doesn't own a gun and has nothing to lose by agitating against their ownership. So, if we tie gun ownership and voting together, they'd have an interest in working for real crime solutions, instead of blaming the guns. Even make it part of the public records, refer to them as "Civilian" and those of us with guns are "Citizens," similar to Heinlien's Starship Troopers.
A bit succinct, but really, is it that bad an idea? I'm sure we can have an appeal process to restore full rights to felons and the mentally ill, ya know, after a grace period of demonstrating good behavior of 5 or 10 years. In Roswell, Texas, the law in Texas was that you had to have a firearm, and if you wanted to go without, you had to apply for a special permit to be unarmed, after being certified of sound mind and character. (Hot Damn! I just went to the Big Head Press site to copy the previous link, and they're gonna print up Roswell, Texas into a real paper graphic novel!! YESSSS!!)

Back on topic: certainly someone who is deranged or adamant about their opposition to gun ownership would be willing to sign away their rights. And I know if the government instituted this new law, there'd be screams from all the libtards about how they're being disenfranchised. Tough. Suck it up and buy one, if you can afford an iPod and a cell phone and cable TV, you can afford a gun, nothing in the law about actually using it, altho it would be irresponsible to not learn how to use and care for it, and certainly to not keep it safe from those irresponsible to not use a gun wisely (like children and thieves). I think this would negate every local gun law out there, like the DC handgun ban (soon to be followed by Philly, Chicago, and San Fran, by the news today) and the Cali waiting periods.

More wishful thinking on my part.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I apologize for the near-stream-of-consciousness style of this piece. I'll admit it may be difficult to follow in some places, but that's kinda how my brain works sometimes.

I have a problem with one of my new neighbors. They moved in across the street about a month ago, kept to themselves pretty much, up until this last week. I walk my dogs in the big vacant lot adjacent to their house, but don't let my dogs go onto their yard. I've been walking the dogs there since I moved in six months ago because I was told that the owner of the lot is deceased, and the previous tenants next door didn't complain. Then three days ago the woman comes out to ask that I don't let my dogs shit in their yard, they don't like cleaning it up and watching their step while mowing. Ok, not a problem, since I'm not walking my dogs in their yard, right? Not quite. Apparently they think their yard includes some periphery around it, because they caused a fuss yesterday about the smell of the dog shit coming into their house when they leave the windows open. And accusing me of letting my dogs shit in the yard because there's a pile right off their back porch. I don't know how they've got dog shit in their back yard but it sure as fuck ain't my dogs doing that. They were doing fine asking that I get my dogs to shit at the back of the vacant lot, until they said their landlord told them that he owns all three lots on that side of the street, the vacant lots on both sides of their house! I told them I had heard differently, the lot I was using had reverted to the estate of a dead man, but they insisted, even saying that the man would mow that lot just to deny me the use of it. I finished walking my dogs, and asked the girlfriend's dad about this, and he said to the effect that they were full of bullshit, the lot I was using belonged to a dead man's family, and the other vacant lot belonged to a woman who is the sister of a good friend. This got us both a bit riled up, and I called the county's tax office, because who better would know who owns property than the government agency who collects money from it? Sure enough, their landlord is lying about owning all three lots, the tax office gave me the listed owners, and interestingly enough the owner of record for the house lives at a PO Box in Missouri. (That makes us wonder who is their "landlord" and what, if any relation he has to the owner. It reminded the GF of some folks who tried claiming they owned one of the lots and could rent it out, and they were caught in their scam.) It also confirmed my previous info about the other lot's owners. Later yesterday I walked my dogs as usual, and the neighbors sat on their back porch and glared at me, making sure the dogs didn't shit in their precious yard (which they didn't), and I tried striking up pleasantries with the woman when she sat out there. That went ok for a few minutes, until I mentioned that the county's records didn't jibe with their landlord's claims of owning all three lots. She got ugly about that, saying she had to go over papers to move into that place and she knows what the landlord says is true, and that I needed to leave. Fine, I left, and had to wind back down to go to bed (curse these early mornings at work). I feel like putting up a sign that reads "Glare all you want, we'll shit more" in the vacant lot just to goad them on, until my better side says ok, you got your mini-rant out of the way, let's deal with this rationally. So today we were gonna drop by the neighborhood police substation, to make them aware of the situation as it stands, in case they have to be called later, only to discover that it closed a while back. So I did the next best thing, I called my ex Father-in-Law, since he's a detective with the city police. I explained the situation to him and asked who can I go to at the station to let know about this? He considered it and said my best course of action was to not walk my dogs there and to find out the landlord's name and number to talk with him. Ok, I can do that, I'm not afraid to call him a liar to his face. Especially after dealing with his tenants who have a near-Fundamentalist zeal about their Truth, no matter the facts! Their landLord can tell them the world is flat, and it doesn't matter how many globes you show, they won't believe you.

In other news, the Senate is having hearings on the progress in the Iraq War, and some of the Presidential candidates are using is as an opportunity to grandstand. Senators Clinton and Obama are soooo against the war... gee, go figure. What isn't making news is what I wish McCain would stand up and say:
Everybody knows I was a POW, in the last war where the US turned tail and ran away, leaving our allies to be rounded up and slaughtered, after the American people were brainwashed by the Media into believing it was an unwinnable war. The Tet Offensive destroyed the Viet Cong's numbers in South Vietnam, but because the evening news only showed the ferocity of their attacks, the American people's support dwindled away and the "anti-war" VC/NVA supporters in our midst gained courage. I am NOT going to let that happen today, not to our brave men and women in uniform who are willing to go where ordered, to fight the terrorists over there, so the American people won't have to fight the terrorists over here. But no, our round-the-clock news echoes the same "anti-war" mindset over and over from the last war, emboldening our enemies at home and abroad, and disheartening loyal Americans from fighting the good fight now when it can be still be won. I won't say there won't be sacrifice. I won't say there won't be blood shed by our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers over there. But until Americans steel their resolve to win this war we are already defeated, at home and abroad. And do not think the terrorists will not come here just because we're tucked our tails in surrender. Our men and women tracking the terrorist cells in the US are succeeding every day, but it doesn't make the evening news, because that still subscribes to the motto "if it bleeds it leads," and since no one dies in these arrests, not a peep is heard from the Media. Also, since these arrests are part of ongoing investigations, they can't be publicized. Otherwise the terrorists will know their agents have been caught and change their plans and operations. I will not let our detractors keep us from winning this war, because then all the sacrifices of our brave men and women will have been for naught, and I will NOT allow THAT again!
Like I said, I wish McCain would say that, but I'm not holding out hope. Thanks for sticking around to the end.